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Externally-funded Projects:

Project KEY focuses on developing, assessing, and refining innovative
key abstracts (i.e., concise, infographic-type resources) for communicating mathematics-focused practitioner articles with a teacher audience. One of
the most persistent challenges in education is the gap between research and classroom practice, meaning that research-informed recommendations and practices that could support students' mathematics learning do not always reach the classroom.
Students struggling with mathematics in elementary grades experience cascading difficulties and limited access to STEM fields. One avenue for mitigating such consequences is improving how mathematics-focused education research is shared with teachers. The project also involves a collaboration with the university disability center.

The NSF TVA project involves a robust intervention mixed methods design
to explore mathematics-focused research for supporting students with
disabilities and its diffusion via social media to a teacher audience. The project
leverages an exciting partnership with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).
Project findings will inform the development of guidelines for both the design and sharing of translational visual abstracts (TVAs) to empower researchers, journals, and professional organizations with novel approaches for improving research communication efforts and mitigating the persistent research-practice gap.
Co-PIs: Elizabeth Farley-Ripple and Joel Malin
NSF Science of Science & EDU Core (2023-2026)
Jessica Rodrigues, PI
NIH LD Hub (2022-2025)
Jessica Rodrigues, Co-PI
The focus of the LD Hub project/the MU Preschool Math Study is
to provide the first ever multisystemic longitudinal study of
preschoolers’ emerging conceptual understanding of number
and related skills, the foundation for school-entry readiness for math learning.
The project assesses child-centered, home-centered, and classroom-centered influences on children’s math development and integrates them to study multiple and potentially synergistic factors that influence children’s risk of math LD and their readiness for math learning in the school. Project findings will be leveraged for the development of an early math multisystemic intervention.
PI: David C. Geary

NIH SEPA (2022-2026)
Jessica Rodrigues, Co-PI
Linking Science, Mathematics & Literacy for All Learners
partners with teachers of 6th-8th grade Life Sciences, Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Special Education. We design and provide professional development to support teachers’ creation and use of multimodal STEM text sets that address Science, Mathematics, and ELA Standards, with special attention to the needs of diverse learners. The mathematics component of the project seeks to support teachers’ use of mathematics scaffolds for bolstering students’ quantitative reasoning; interpretation of graphs and tables; and use of data as evidence to address claims.
PI: Delinda van Garderen

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